My Services
“Starting the journey is one of my favourite parts of the whole process, not knowing the final destination.”Jeff Hardman
I operate as a one-to-one or group coach to meet the specific needs of either an individual/CEO or a board/management team.
Objective Analysis: Aimed usually at those responsible for growing the business, the analysis phase serves to assess potential for growth but also to uncover latent obstacles to growth, which will be addressed later in the consultancy programme.
Contact me at [email protected] to find out more
Coaching: This is designed for one-to-one development of directors and managers to raise personal performance levels to new heights, by unlocking undiscovered talent and underdeveloped skills.
Contact me at [email protected] to find out more
Mentoring: I offer guidance and support, with a caring and supportive knowledge-sharing process, which taps into a lifetime of relevant business experience.
Contact me at [email protected] to find out more
Facilitation: Using tools such as the 5 C’s or DISC analysis, I will work with teams to help them identify where they currently are and what they need to do, to move to the next stage of growth.
Contact me at [email protected] to find out more
Workshops: With Challenge 24 running throughout this year, building on the success of Challenge 22, Barnhill Consulting is looking ahead to Challenge 25. With a free taster day taking place in October this year, Challenge 25 starts in January and is a programme of four workshops. These have been specially designed to provide you with a new coaching style of leadership which helps you develop a clear and structured pathway to growth. The sessions integrate key soft and hard skills, coupled with some serious business tools.
Find out more here.
Peer groups: Growing organically from the ‘Challenge 22’ series of workshops, Barnhill Business Club has more of a focus on the positive attributes of a Peer Learning Group (PLG). Inspired by a challenging and interactive presentation, the group addresses burning issues in a confidential and supportive setting, with learning reinforced and embedded separately in-between by one-to-one coaching.
Find out more here.
Retreats: The Barnhill Business Retreats started very strongly in 2023 with a two-day session focusing on the mind-body connection. Unlocking many game-changing insights and greatly improved self-awareness, the entire group derived the maximum learning benefit out of the varied programme and, importantly, still managed to relax and recharge their batteries at the same time. In 2024 the Barnhill Business Winter Retreat will be a one-day retreat, followed by a further one day retreat in Summer 2025.
Find out more here.
Speaker: I am excited to continue building on success gained through chairing IoD Cheshire and hosting successful bushiness events, panel debates and round table discussions. Privileged to have such a wide and varied background, I am delighted to offer my services as a speaker at conferences, events, teambuilding, networking and more. It is an honour to continue this work of inspiring and motivating the next generation of business leaders by sharing the inspiration I receive myself from fellow coaches and contacts.
Read more about my background here